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2001-10-29 | 9:45 a.m.

I'm wasting time again, damn it. I'm supposed to be working on two volunteer projects for the publishing house, both of which are complicated and time-consuming, and I haven't spent any time on either. Duff's parents arrive on Halloween and I'm supposed to be cleaning house in preparation for that. Duff expects me to, that much is clear. He sat in front of the computer almost the entire day yesterday. (Why doesn't he get to be a "pear"?) But that won't stop him from carping at me if I don't get it cleaned up.

Instead of working on my projects, I was updating my favorite diaries list. As if this can't wait. And thinking about how my diaryrings really do give a pretty clear picture of the kind of person I am (despite my desire to seem mysterious), and how maybe it's time to finish that list of things you probably don't know about me.

So, my choice is 1) a project I don't want to do; or 2) housewifery. I suppose I can think about writing for the NaNoWriMo project while doing the thing I don't want to do, whatever it ends up being, but technically I think I'm not supposed to start writing until Nov. 1.

Ah hell. What a mess.

And the thing that's making me sick to my stomach is that Birgit at the publishing house wants to have a meeting with me tonight, which I do not want to do---I mean, violently do not want to do---and I'm waiting to hear if she's scheduled it.

I had a lot of trouble writing that sentence. When something is bothering me, my instinct is to bury it, not hold it up to the light.

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