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2002-05-05 | 3:47 p.m.

Meanwhile Multiple Sclerosis has been doing a number on la-the-sage lately, even prompting her to wonder whether it's worth it to keep on going. Go read her diary and also think about sponsoring someone in one of the MS walks taking place this summer. I started walking this year because I wanted to walk in the Bay Area MS walk but Stephen gently reminded me that I wasn't in good enough shape to do a three-day, 50-mile walk. So we will be sponsoring a friend of Duff's in Missouri this year and maybe by next year I'll have my act together and can walk it myself.

Anyway, since Quoted is on hiatus, I decided to share this passage from la-the-sage's diary, in which she lays waste to the garden-variety teenage hoodlum.

Now of course the clothing is only the beginning of fashionable moronitude. There�s the facial expression. When not speaking, the Yo Yo yo-yo�s shoot for a glazed eyed and slack jawed idiocy which is pretty much a direct imitation of the look on Tom the Cat�s face after Jerry the Mouse has whammed him on the skull with a big iron frying pan.

Though Yo Yo�s don�t spend a lot of time not talking. All the better to build their reps as hip ignoranties, the Yo Yo�s spew a nearly constant stream of profanities and gibberish. If at any time it is necessary to use a common English word it must be tortured as much as possible and buried within the slipstream. Thus ordering a slice of pizza with mushrooms becomes, �Yo yo yo what up? Gimme a fuckin� sluhhh-ICE of pie wit� like fuckin� shroomies, dickface.� If the person behind the counter is female �ya skank� is substituted for �dickface�.

I�ve wondered if the �We B Morons� fad is an outgrowth of the women�s movement. Once women gave up being twits to attract a mate, maybe young men felt that they should take up the torch. Stupidity must not die!

I know my links aren't always easy to distinguish, but trust me and click on the name la-the-sage to read the whole saga:

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