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2002-04-17 | 11:54 a.m.

It's so hard to make these calls. When the voice mail starts, I have to make up a voice. Which voice will it be this time? I can't think of what to say. Put one foot in front of the other. Right. Start at the beginning, end at the end.

"Hi, Hillary. [Should I have called her 'Hillary'? Is that too informal when I've only talked to her once before? I'm too California, I assume too much.] This is Annabel Copes, I'm the freelance writer who talked to you yesterday [cutting, swiping, clauses, ENTER, think!] about [uhhhhh.... what I do is so complicated to explain, so third-hand--what am I supposed to say? "The company you lease notebooks from hired another company to create custom content on its behalf, and that company hired me, a contractor, to write this article about YOU"] CAC [Cheap-Ass Computers, Inc.]. I'll try to reach you again in about an hour [don't call me, even though I need to talk to you desperately, because I have to go get my car back from the dealer and if you call, you'll get my answering machine, which very unprofessionally makes reference to my dog] and hopefully, I'll reach you then. [Pushy! Liar! How will you call her in an hour, when you know they're not going to finish the damn car in time?! You'll be lucky if you have it in time to pick up the kids from school!] Thanks. *click*

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