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2002-01-15 | 2:04 p.m.

I got a news alert a few minutes ago in which they make reference to "Taliban American John Walker." As if this were a new ethnic category. Perhaps it is. A minority of one. Immediately my brain segued to Cheech Marin singing "Mexican Americans, go to night school, and take Spanish, and get a 'B'..." from one of the Cheech & Chong movies. Which one I couldn't say, but that was the best bit in it.

Speaking of Spanish, check out Castigada's diary, over which I laughed out loud just moments ago. I should make a list of my favorite pan-Diaryland laugh-out-loud entries. There would definitely be something from LA-the-sage in that list. Oh, and Hodgson--he cracks me up (his non-fiction at least, or maybe it's actually his non-fictiony fiction). Oh, and check it out----not-a-finger updated. I didn't want to like not-a-finger (because it's so damn popular) but it's impossible to deny her comedic gifts.

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