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2001-06-21 | 11:45 a.m.

I guess my summer vacation was yesterday. All of a sudden I have lots of stuff to do. I'm going to write it all down, even though it's boring for you, just so I'll have a record of it the next time (and it won't be long) I sit here thinking, now WHAT was I supposed to be doing again?

1. Birgit asked me if I wanted to take over publicizing the Alaska book. I said yes because, well, I don't know why. I'm supposed to help, that's why, and who else is she gonna get to do it? Maybe the experience will come in useful someday. Of course it will--publicity is part of publishing, entertainment, everything. (If anybody reading this has any experience in publicity, feel free to offer me advice by guestbook or e-mail.) This will be a huge job requiring sub-lists.

2. Also must track down next out-of-print heritage & preservation title. Follow up on rediscovered ZNH folklore archive.

3. First things first: Still have to sew up that credit-card processing bidness.

4. Screenplay. Redouble efforts. This is actually the hugest thing on my list; it only looks and feels like a modest addition. Must do something to make it seem huger in my mind. Make way for Le Gros Big Fat Ultimate To-Do!

5. Novel. Schedule downtime with Diane. Order 5-1/4 inch floppy drive to see if old notes can be resurrected. Also need phone recording device for interviews (available at Radio Shack). Need recorder, too.

6. Must clean house! Duff's parents will darken my skies on 6/28. Also a major huge undertaking.

7. Everything else: Fix rattle in car? Swim lessons for girls in July? Gym membership for me? Want to do ceramics with girls this summer. Theater tickets? Cal Shakes? Call preschool to find out if Jasper is still in. Help Frank. Mail Stephen's Xmas gift (!). Write to Laurence. Watch rentals.

The hardest part about all this, of course, is that I'm so damn lazy I really don't want to do anything.

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