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2002-03-22 | 9:22 a.m.

In the car this morning on the way to school, we were talking about archeologists and what they do, and that led to Felony asking me, "Who was the first person?" So I started talking about human history and evolution, Neanderthals, apes, fish, etc. Then I thought well, I might as well give them the Christianity backgrounder (because I'm always afraid they'll be brought up short one day by some elementary Biblical reference, and then the whole world will know that I'm a Bad Mother). So I sketch out the story of Adam and Eve, leaving out the Tree of Knowledge and focusing on the creation, the rib, the mud, and Lilith. Then as we're pulling up to the school I give them a little pop test.

"Okay, according to the Christians, who was the first man?" sayeth I.

"Uhhh..." sayeth Criminy.

"Adam," sayeth I.

"Oh, yeah, Adam."

"And according to the Christians, who was the first woman?"

"Uhhh..." sayeth Criminy.

"Like ...Obvious or something," sayeth Felony.

"Eve," sayeth I.

"Right! Eve."

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