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2002-01-14 | 11:57 a.m.

Desperately searching for a $750 check I misplaced. I need to deposit it immediately so my student loan payment (auto-debit) doesn't bounce. I got the check before Xmas, but didn't want to deposit it for fear I'd spend it during the getting-carried-away shopping. I thought I was being smart! I've got to teach myself to start putting checks in my wallet, regardless of whatever other plans I have for it.

Guess I should also be stern with myself and say I can't write any more in the diary until I find the check. Eep!

1:53 p.m.: Still no check. I hate myself when I do something this stupid. I did find the missing Jenga block, though. I do try to keep my thoughts away from what on earth am I going to do???

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